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Big Rugby Weekend Coming up on 3/3!!!

March 3, sees all of the Chico Rugby clubs playing at home. Wouldn’t it be great if we were all able to play at the same venue?

The weekend starts of with the Chico Wild Oaks girl’s high school club playing Piedmont at 11:30am at the Chico State pitch. The day continues with the Chico State WRFC taking on Stanford at 1:00pm. Should be a real cracker of a match. Elsewhere, at Bidwell Jr., our Mighty Oaks Men’s Club will take on B.A. Baracus at 1:30pm. That will bring us back to the Chico State pitch at 2:30, where the Chico State Men find themselves in a must win match against Stanford, in the highly contested Nor Cal division. The Chico State Killer B’s will round out the playing on the day as they take on Stanford’s B’s at 4:00.

The day is not over, as the Chico State Women will host their annual Fan/Parent’s Appreciation Dinner at 6:00pm.  This event will be held at the CARD center at Vallombrosa. This event is free and open to all. There will be a silent auction, merchandise/apparel for sale, and of course, donations are always welcome (so bring your checkbooks!!) Come out, meet,  and join the Chico State Women for this festive event.

The rugby is not over yet, as Chico’s youth clubs will play on Sunday 3/4, at 20th Street Park, just north of the tennis courts. The Oaks will take on Dixon starting at 11:00am. Please come out and support our little Oaks.

~Parvis E Glandibus Quercus